+85290109891 alee@aplus-coach.com


Emotional fragility seems like a psychological problem, but it has only a philosophical answer. People are really tough only after they have taken a leap of faith for some truth or mission or love. Once they’ve done that they can withstand a lot.


#運動心理學 #心理靭力 #信仰 #信心 #情緒 #心理強度 #使命 #愛情 #人生目標 #sportpsychology #mentaltoughness #faith #believe #emotion #mentalstrength #mission #love #lifepurpose

The development of mental toughness starts from having a life purpose! 建立心理靭力從建立生命目標開始。 By Andrew Lee, Mental Toughness Coach (HK) 李棣儀,心理靭力教練

GOALS: The development of mental toughness starts from having a life purpose!
By Andrew Lee, Mental Toughness Coach (HK)

The New York Times

The Opinion Pages | OP-ED COLUMNIST

Making Modern Toughness

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