+85290109891 alee@aplus-coach.com

Services: Pre-Marriage and Marriage Counseling, Mental Toughness Profiling and Coaching, Sports Excellent Performance Meeting, One on One Coaching, Team Building.  Please contact me if you have any suggestions or needs.

Prepare / Enrich is one of the most used tool for pre-marriage and marriage counseling by pastoral counselors, social workers and family counselors for over 20 years.  It has high scientific accuracy and have over 10 different perspectives to provide a complete assessment of pre-marriage and marriage relationships.
Prepare / Enrich assessment can provide different married couples to explore their marriage journey, enhance their marriage interaction and improve relationship with each other.

Prepare / Enrich在過去20年為最多教牧同工,社工及家庭輔導員用在婚前及婚姻輔導之工具。它具有頗大的科學準確性,而是從十多個不同的角度全面評估婚前與婚姻的關係。

Each pair of couple “Prepare / Enrich assessment (1 One-hourly session) + Prepare / Enrich Counseling (5 x One-hourly sessions)” – HK$2,500
每對伴侶「Prepare/Enrich1小時評估一節 + 婚前輔導/婚後成長1小時輔導五節 」- HK$2,500

The Mental Toughness Profile™ is based on the latest research on the unique mental toughness qualities of elite performers in various high-performance domains.

The Mental Toughness Profile™ is designed to be used in consultation with a Certified Mental Toughness Coach. It is used to evaluate a client’s or coachee’s mental strengths and areas for improvement in the following five key components:

  • Composure – Staying calm and relaxed in any pressure situation
  • Concentration – Focusing on performing and ignoring distractions when it matters
  • Confidence – Believing and trusting in one’s capabilities
  • Cope-ability (aka Coping with Challenges) – Overcoming adversities and setbacks well
  • Cohesion – Giving and receiving social support to and from others

In each profile report, you will find:

  • a summary chart of one’s scores on the respective mental toughness competencies,
  • a description and explanation of one’s individualized scores, and
  • practical and evidence-based strategies and exercises to help further strengthen one’s mental toughness

Mental Toughness Profile™基礎是在於不同高水平表現範疇精英表現者的最新研究。心理靭力教練會在一次的會面用這份 Mental Toughness Profile™來為你在以下五項能力上,分析你心理靭力上強項和需要進步的地方。當中包括:

  • 沉穩力(能在有壓力的情況下都保持冷靜和放鬆)
  • 專注力(在關鍵時候,精神和心理能集中焦點在表現上而忽視干擾)
  • 自信心(對自我能力的相信和信任)
  • 應戰力(能容易地超越困境和失敗)
  • 凝聚力(能給予和接受別人的支持)


  • 你的心理靭力每項能力的個別分數
  • 每個分數的形容和解釋
  • 實用和基於證據的策略和練習去繼續強化你的心理靭力

Service Fee includes 1 Profile Report + 1 One-hour Counseling Session for various High Performance Domains :

  • Business (Corporate Workplace) 商業(企業工作環境)- HK$400
  • Business (Sales & Marketing) 商業(銷售和市場推廣)– HK$400
  • Sport 運動員 – HK$250
  • Education 學生和教育 – HK$250
  • Performance Art 演藝 – HK$250
  • Healthcare 醫療 – HK$400
  • Investing / Trading 投資和貿易 – HK$400
  • Police 警察 – HK$400
  • Military 軍隊 – HK$400

Team’s management or coach will receive a combined report of team members with individual competencies.


EPM (Excellent Performance Meeting)

The purpose of EPM: the basic desire of an athlete is to strive for excellent performance.  But it is often that there are differences in performance between their target performance and realistic performance.  The differences in performance is usually related to psychological reasons and becomes the key factor especially when the situation had been persistence for a long period of time.  One can say that psychological factor is the cause of performance but also becomes the result of performance.  This cause and result interaction relationship will form the psychology quality of the athlete.

Characteristics of EPM: EPM is not the psychological counseling which is understood by most people.  Psychological counseling usually gives the impression that the person being helped has got psychological problems.  EPM service on the other hand is for any athlete or sport lover who has expectations on their own performance to bring about a positive and strive for excellent direction and not to focus on finding the problem.

  1. Who is suitable for EPM: athletes or sport lovers of all level who experiences the following situations –
  2. Have expectations to their own sport performance, but had been leveled off or not satisfied with own progress
  3. Seeking for breakthroughs in short period of time due to upcoming competition or short term goal setting
  4. Desire to establish a habit of exercising to improve health or image but still not successful
  5. Have psychological barrier caused by previous injury
  6. Desire to improve on confidence, concentration or emotional management
  7. Desire to better manage stress and pressure during competitions or critical moments
  8. Focus to overcome personal weakness
  9. Overcome period of tough times and low tides in life
  10. Desire to understand own potential and deepest motivations


EPM目的:運動員本質是追求卓越表現。然而在理想表現(target performance)與現實表現(realistic performance)中常存在差距。形式這個差距,大部份與運動員心理有關;而若長期表現未如理想,心理因素更是絕對關鍵,甚至反饋到生理的問題。可以說,心理因素既是表現的因、亦會成為表現的果;而此等因果關係的長期互動,就構成運動員的心理質素。


  1. EPM對象:各水平的運動員和運動愛好者,遇到以下情況~
  2. 對自己運動表現有要求,但長期停滯或不滿進展
  3. 基於比賽或目標的訂立,而尋求短時間的突破
  4. 渴望形成運動習慣,改善體質或形象,但尚未成功
  5. 遇到傷患問題而產生的心理障礙
  6. 渴望提昇自信、專注力或情緒管理
  7. 渴望更有效處理比賽或重要時刻的壓力
  8. 針對性克服個人弱點
  9. 過渡逆境與低潮
  10. 渴望認識自己的潛能與深層動機

Each series of EPM consist of 1 intake session (free) and 8-12 sessions (HK$300/1 hour session)
個人卓越面談包括一節1小時免費個案接收面談 + 8至12節卓越表現面談(每節一小時HK$300)



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