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運動心理學知識分享 – 青春的夢想往往是不完美的

運動心理學知識分享 – 青春的夢想往往是不完美的

有人問過井上,「為什麼不設計湘北最後奪冠?」 井上回答說:「因為青春的夢想往往是不完美的…」




#運動心理學 #心理靭力 #結果不可控 #強化心理 #自我突破 #SportPsychology #MentalToughness #resultuncontrollable #strengthpsychology #breakthrough


有人問過井上,「為什麼不設計湘北最後奪冠?」 井上回答說:「因為青春的夢想往往是不完美的…」

我記得人有抱怨過”灌籃高手”的結局令人遺憾或者沒有畫完,但有次在youtube 影片看到了某位網友這段話:








心理靭力知識分享 – 慣老闆管太多竟然這麼可怕!美國教授揭穿職場不為人知的恐怖面…

心理靭力知識分享 – 慣老闆管太多竟然這麼可怕!美國教授揭穿職場不為人知的恐怖面…




2016年11月12日 11:30

工作少有自主權 較容易提早死亡


工作較多自主權 死亡風險降34%

這項研究成果近日已發表於〈人事心理學〉期刊(Personnel Psychology)。研究學者也發現,如果一個人進行高壓力工作,但對於工作有較多自主權,死亡風險便能減少34%。綱拉雷茲-謬爾解釋,所有人都知道,工作狀況的確會影響健康,更有研究證據顯示,高壓力工作會影響自己對生活、生命的滿意度。舉例來說,與可以掌控自己工作的員工相比,員工如果對高壓力工作少有自主權、掌控權,很容易體重上升。

紓壓、健康生活習慣 幫助延壽



運動心理學知識分享 – NBA建議年輕人14歲前不應定運動專項

運動心理學知識分享 – NBA建議年輕人14歲前不應定運動專項


該協會還建議年輕運動員在 14 歲之前應參與多個運動項目。根據 NBA 所使用的研究,拖延單運動專項,多嘗試不同運動項目,有助年輕運動員於延長身體健康和心理耐力。

DiFiori 說多嘗試不同的運動項目能提供生理力學的節奏變化,因為不同類型的運動能運用不同的肌肉和肌肉力學改變。Tooley說,嘗試不同運動也改變了許多年輕運動員對自己在團隊合作性上的角色和理解。


#運動專項 #NBA #青少年發展 #運動 #心理學 #運動心理學 #specializedsport #sport #SportPsychology #psychology #kidsdevelopment

運動心理學知識分享 – 星加坡閃避球總會主席

運動心理學知識分享 – 星加坡閃避球總會主席

「如果我想要幫助青年人成長,閃避球是我會選擇的運動,。它包含不同的價值,比如誠實、 正直、 靈巧、 謙遜、 體育精神、 表演技巧、 團隊合作、 自我控制、 體格生長、 社會接受,和肯定他們有機會代表國家去證明自己價值。」

Neoh Yi Hui

“Dodgeball is my go to sport if I would want to help youths grow. It encompasses values like Honesty, Integrity, Dexterity, Humbleness, Sportsmanship, Showmanship, Teamwork, Self-Control, Physical growth, Social acceptance, and definitely, a chance to represent the country should they prove themselves worthy.”

Neoh Yi Hui
Dodgeball Association of Singapore


#SportPsychology #Dodgeball #運動心理學 #閃避球

Real People. Real Stories.

運動心理學知識分享 – 「行山」如何改變我們的大腦

運動心理學知識分享 – 「行山」如何改變我們的大腦



#行山 #行街 #運動心理學 #正面思想 #創造性思考 #注意力缺陷多動症 #腦 #hiking #shopping #SportPsychology #positivethinking #creativity #ADHD #brainpower



While it may seem obvious that a good hike through a forest or up a mountain can cleanse your mind, body, and soul, science is now discovering that hiking can actually change your brain… for the better!

Hiking In Nature Can Stop Negative, Obsessive Thoughts

Aside from the almost instant feeling of calm and contentment that accompanies time outdoors, hiking in nature can reduce rumination. Many of us often find ourselves consumed by negative thoughts, which takes us out of the enjoyment of the moment at best and leads us down a path to depression and anxiety at worst. But a recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that spending time in nature decreases these obsessive, negative thoughts by a significant margin.

To conduct this study, researchers compared the reported rumination of participants who hiked through either an urban or a natural environment. They found those who walked for 90 minutes in a natural environment reported lower levels of rumination and they also had reduced neural activity in the subgenual prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain related to mental illness. Those who walked through the urban environment, however, did not report decreased rumination.

The researchers noted that increased urbanization closely correlates with increased instances of depression and other mental illness. Taking the time to regularly remove ourselves from urban settings and spend more time in nature can greatly benefit our psychological (and physical) well-being.

Hiking While Disconnected From Technology Boosts Creative Problem Solving

A study conducted by psychologists Ruth Ann Atchley and David L. Strayer found that creative problem solving can be drastically improved by both disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with nature. Participants in this study went backpacking through nature for about 4 days, during which time they were not allowed to use any technology whatsoever. They were asked to perform tasks which required creative thinking and complex problem solving, and researchers found that performance on problem solving tasks improved by 50% for those who took part in this tech-free hiking excursion.

The researchers of this study noted that both technology and urban noise are incredibly disruptive, constantly demanding our attention and preventing us from focusing, all of which can be taxing to our cognitive functions. A nice long hike, sans technology, can reduce mental fatigue, soothe the mind, and boost creative thinking.

Hiking Outdoors Can Improve ADHD In Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming more and more common among children. Children who have ADHD have a difficult time with impulse control and staying focused, they get distracted easily, and exhibit excessive hyperactivity.

While raising children who have ADHD can be difficult for parents, the usual solution — opting for prescription medication — may be doing more harm than good, particularly when natural solutions can work just as well. A study conducted by Frances E Kup, PhD, and Andrea Faber Taylor, PhD, found that exposing children with ADHD to “green outdoor activities” reduces symptoms significantly. The results of this study suggest nature exposure can benefit anyone who has a difficult time paying attention and/or exhibits impulsive behavior.

Hiking In Nature Is Great Exercise And Therefore Boosts Brainpower

We already know that exercising is fantastic for our overall well-being. Hiking is an excellent way to burn between 400 – 700 calories per hour, depending on your size and the hike difficulty, and it is easier on the joints than other activities like running. It has also been proven that people who exercise outside are more likely to keep at it and stick to their programs, making hiking an excellent choice for those wishing to become more active on a regular basis.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia found that aerobic exercise increases hippocampal volume — the part of the brain associated with spatial and episodic memory — in women over the age of 70. Such exercise not only improves memory loss, but helps prevent it as well. Researchers also found that it can also reduce stress and anxiety, boost self esteem, and release endorphins. Many people take medication to solve each and every one of these issues, but the solution to these ills may be a lot simpler than you think!

How Can You Begin To Start Hiking?

Luckily, hiking is one of the easiest and least expensive sports to get involved in, and it can have great benefits for the whole family, including grandma! Start out small and test your abilities. Do what works for you — if that means just walking through trails in a park, that’s fine. Any exercise outdoors is better than none. You can easily find maps of trails around your home online, and there are plenty of smartphone apps to map them out, too. I recommend turning off your signal and your phone while hiking though, so you can reap the most benefits of the hike (though it may be wise to at least carry it with you in case of emergency).

Make sure you have some good sturdy hiking shoes, a hat, and a water bottle, and be sure to layer your clothing so you can take things on or off easily as you warm up and cool down. You may want to consider using trekking poles as well, which can increase your speed and take some of the pressure off your knees. Now, can you just do one thing for me?

Go take a hike!

Much Love

Photo Credit: Mike Heller

運動心理學知識分享- 元朗區體育節2016元朗區閃避球精英賽女子賽香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學

運動心理學知識分享- 元朗區體育節2016元朗區閃避球精英賽女子賽香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學


很欣賞每個隊員,無論在場內或場外,出場時間多與少,出場機會有沒有,有所有隊友定只剩一人,都十分投入。看見和聽到他/她們如何實踐出氣勢(Magic of Physiology), 是很開心的事。我也接近失聲。


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